Tinozzi Chiropractic Studio

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How much water should we REALLY drink per day?

I don't know about you, but I'm always thinking I should drink more water. 

But how much is the right amount?

And how can I remember to drink it?



Take your current weight and divide it by two. That number is the minimum amount of water (in ounces) you should drink daily.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces of water each day.

But how do you remember to stay hydrated all day when life gets so busy?

Try this handy smartphone app to help you track your water intake:
Water Llama

Why drink more water? Here are the top 5 reasons:

  1. Better digestion & less constipation – A happy gut is a hydrated gut!

  2. Curb hunger & lose weight – Sometimes thirst masquerades as hunger. Drink water and save on calories!

  3. Glow-worthy skin – “Did you get Botox?” Nope, just staying hydrated!

  4. Detoxify naturally – Water helps your kidneys flush out waste. More water = healthier you.

  5. Reduce chronic pain – Dehydration can make pain worse. Water can make it better.

Here’s to your best health, always!
Dr. Rina