Wow- You have to hear about this guy! It was on the internet today, perhaps you saw it.
How much sugar do you eat? Your kids?
I've been winning a small personal battle against wheat and dairy for 6 months now, and I feel so much better.
But Sugar? I haven't had TIME to battle sugar. Might be time to re-think that.
Check this out:
A fit, 150 year old, 168lb Paleo* diet man who never eats sugar decided to experiment and drank 10 cans of coke a day (only 1400 increased calories) for 30 days to show that it's SUGAR not FAT or caloriesthat is making america obese.
(*Paleo means moderate fat, high protein, low carbs/no processed sugar.)
You'll never believe what happens to him.
He changes NOTHING else, just adds 10 cans of coke per day.
The first week, he gains 8 POUNDS.
He gains 13 pounds in the first two weeks, and 7% body fat.
By day 30, he's gained a total of 23 pounds.
His blood pressure went from a healthy 129/77 to 145/96.
And interestingly, he was having intense cravings for coke by the end, as well as other sugary things.
He lost his appetite for good foods as well.
Here's his story:
Is Sugar the Real Culprit?
I think this is what’s happening to our kids—to America.
In the video below, he explains that during those 30 days, he consumed the same amount of sugar the USDA says the "average American" eats daily. And the results? Frightening.
Watch the video, read the article—it might leave a lasting impression.
What’s the takeaway for you and me?
If you’re carrying an extra 15 pounds you wish you didn’t have, sugar might be the reason. If your kids, or someone you care about, are struggling with weight issues, sugar could be to blame.
This man ate all the fat and meat he wanted and stayed healthy—until he added sugar.
I get it—I like a little sugar, too! But after seeing this, I have to ask: is it really worth it?
Here’s to making healthier choices and being our best selves,
Dr. Rina